Pacific Leaders Endorse Micronesia Challenge “Asks” at the Micronesia Islands Forum 2024
Leaders from across Micronesia sign the forum communique at the 26th Micronesia Island Forum.
The priorities and actions of the Micronesia Challenge (MC) were endorsed by the 10 Pacific Island leaders at the Micronesia Islands Forum (MIF) on June 3-5, 2024.
The signing of the 26th forum communique by the leaders of Palau, Guam, the Northern Marianas Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia (and each of its states, Pohnpei, Chuuk, Kosrae, and Yap), the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and Nauru, recognized the work that the MC has accomplished and actions the region must take to maintain the MC’s success and momentum.
Through the communique, the leaders endorsed the MC’s recommendations to:
Update the Regional Sustainable Finance Plan (RSFP) for strategizing and ensuring long-term sustainable-financing for conservation and effective management efforts in the region.
Develop a MC regional registry to showcase the status of MC metrics.
Expand regional monitoring efforts and reporting progress toward the 2030 goals.
Continue collaboration efforts between MC leaders and Legislative bodies to allocate funding to achieve the MC’s goals.
Continue to contribute to the MC endowment which supplements annual resource needs.
Re-examine the region’s global commitments through a regional and cultural lens for greater adaptation at the local level.
Convene at a regional meeting led by Ministers, Secretaries, or equivalents to discuss and agree upon the definitions, approaches, targets, and costs for the MC commitments that were established at the 24th MIF.
Also mentioned was the MC’s request that each leader commit $5,000 to the Bill Raynor Micronesia Challenge (BRMC) Scholarship. The Governments of Guam, Palau, and the Marshall Islands announced their donations during the closing of the MIF.
The Chair of the Micronesia Challenge Steering Committee, Evangeline Lujan, presenting the Micronesia Challenge progress at the MIF.
The MC presentation at the MIF included achievement updates, challenges, and emerging issues. The MC regional and jurisdictional progress and initiatives were featured, discussed, and celebrated during the working group meetings, forum presentations, and luncheon with the leaders. Major regional accomplishments include:
The MC has sustained political commitment across 20 chief executive administration changes in the region.
The MC raised or leveraged over $82M for conservation efforts in the region between 2006 and 2020.
The MC has built capacity through funding over 95 scholarship and internship opportunities.
The challenges that jurisdictions face throughout the region have considerable overlap. These challenges include:
Employment Turnover
Management and enforcement
Balancing development with natural resource protection
Meeting financial commitments
Limited human resource capacity
In his opening remarks, the President of the Federated States of Micronesia, his Excellency Wesley Simina, recognized environmental and climate change issues as the greatest challenge for our region. The MC has worked as a collaborative effort to address the region’s approach to conservation and effective management.
Through the MC, the region has made enormous strides towards their goals of conserving 30% and effectively managing 50% marine resources as well as conserving 20% and effectively managing 30% terrestrial resources.
The commitments and endorsements made at the 26th MIF are yet another step in the region’s exciting progress toward our vision of a thriving, sustainable, and resilient Micronesia.
The MC congratulates our Guam Jurisdiction leaders for hosting a fantastic event that was conducive to productive and insightful discussions.
Dancers at the MIF closing ceremony celebrating the hard work and accomplishments made throughout the region.